
How does Amazon determine Sales Rank? Promote your kindle 4 Easy Steps


Perry Belcher 2013
Four Easy Steps to Promoting Your Kindle Book.
1. Build up anticipation for your eBook release on all of your social networking platforms. You can even host a virtual book launch where you can offer potential buyers a discount for attending and “bringing” a friend. Don’t forget to remind your buyers to leave you a review. Reviews are an excellent source of valuable, free marketing.

2. If you’ve created an entire website for your eBook, make sure that the URL or domain name incorporates keywords, vs the actual name of the book. For potential buyers who don’t know about you or your publication, keep in mind that they will search for keywords that are relevant to your publication, as opposed to the actual eBook title.
3. Amazon Kindle is a great way to push your publication and to drive traffic to your book’s listing. This one is a little more complicated but, still, pretty easy to accomplish. Digital Marketer has done an excellent job of explaining how it’s done here…so why should we gild the lily?
4. As an addendum to the first point, utilize free tubes like YouTube and Vimeo. Get yourself interviewed by a PR authority in your field, have the interview recorded, edit it accordingly and throw it up on either of those sites. This will give you a chance to visually and vividly share why your eBook should be purchased.

These tips have worked for us and we’re pretty sure they will work for you. An ebook is an excellent opportunity to create a source of income for yourself or your company, so invest some time into planning and give it a shot!

The eBook: A Thing of Convenience.

The eBook may not ever completely replace good ole’ paper-and-print books, but the invention is certainly taking the world by storm. Even before the dawn of eBook readers, once ebooks started hitting the internet, they were scooped up (or downloaded, rather) with great global zeal. Why? Because they are convenient. The average person nowadays spends a significant amount of their life, both personally and professionally, on the Internet. Besides looking at videos and listening to music (and playing those addictive games on Facebook), we spend most of our time online reading. It could be research, leisure, work-related, school-related or niche interest, the Internet is fueled by content that is primarily textually driven. EBooks have created a way for the user to enjoy consuming information on their terms, without taking up any physical tangible space, while being flexible to their schedule of consumption. 
From the Author’s Perspective:

Ebooks are a validated means by which you can get the word out about your specific area(s) of expertise. Additionally, they are a great source of income, if your writing is accurate, informative and exciting enough. While some people create them for fun, for the most part, authors craft eBooks as a means to sell their ideas, experiences and expertise for profit. They are a great supplemental tool for any business and can drive a lot of business to your company’s doors – be those doors brick and mortar or virtual. One significant obstacle that most eBook authors encounter however, is finding the best strategy to employ to get their virtual publications noticed, sought-after and purchased. The following list was compiled using our personally tested methods of eBook marketing. We hope you’ll put them to good use!