
Passive Income: How To Create Passive Income Online & Passive Opportunities That Earn You Daily Income


To start with, what is Passive Income? Passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it (source: Wikipedia).

As fast as the world is changing and as fast as the economy and businesses are moving right now, it’s almost a disservice to publish one flat product and sell it to somebody. One way to do that is to seek help from a Business Consultant. Another way is to read books from relevant topics.

The book Passive Income: How To Create Passive Income Online & Passive Opportunities That Earn You Daily Income written by Perry Belcher will learn about the Passive income secrets, easy money, how to get money and how to generate thousand every month automatically. It teaches you to build your own passive recurring income machine in 48 hours or less. It will teach you the whole concepts of:

  • Daily Income
  • Subscription income
  • Recurring income
  • Continuity income

Daily Income: The Automatic Daily Income System

This book is going to talk about how to create an Automatic Daily Income System with your business. If you are familiar with the internet marketing world, people are going out there and selling products, selling content, selling information, and that’s all good, it’s all great. However, a whole a lot of better than selling something once is selling once and getting paid over and over and over and over again.

This whole concept of daily income – of recurring income, of subscription income, continuity income – seems to be a mystery to a lot of folks. More than it being mysterious, people seem to think that it’s hard to do. It’s not.

Perry Belcher help you describe the different models out there, particularly the two that are recommended to people to go with if they want to create a daily income system in their business. You can set up each one of these models in 48 hours or less. Yes, that is right! 48 hours or less!

The book talks about some of the common elements found in these different daily income systems and how you can actually sell these subscription offers, or continuity offers, once you have them in place.

Subscription Income: Everything that I sell is a subscription

You really need to switch from the notion of selling products to thinking about selling subscription. And the first thing that you need to have is a mind shift.

People are used to thinking about things from a product point of view. Speak about it in terms of product creation: “How do I create products?” But you shouldn’t think of what you’re selling in terms of product. You should think: “Everything that I sell is a subscription”.

You can make so much more money off of a lot fewer customers, a lot fewer sales, if you’re getting paid not just once for that sale, but over and over and over again. After you hear this, if you still don’t adopt some kind of model I think you’re crazy.

Continuity Snowball Effect

See what the Continuity Snowball Effect and how it takes place, the best place is to go The Continuity Snowball video will show you how you can make so much money off of so few sales.

The book also covers the following topic:

  • CD-Of-The Month – this includes sub topics such as the entrepreneurs club, your business, finding expert content, case studies, conducting the interview and producing the CD
  • Membership Sites – includes password protection, hosting and Platforms sub-topics
  • Content – this section will help you learn with filler articles, video content, using Ghostwriters, members only forum, recommended resources and protected archives.
  • Selling Subscriptions – it helps you on how to sell products, not subscriptions, how to create irresistible offers, how to focus on the Product value and Selling site Membership
  • Running Your Income Machine – this section, you will learn about how to run your income machine, this includes getting to know and learning your Billing, Joint Ventures, Constant Testing, Promotion and the section “Don’t Be the Expert”





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